Our Concrete Vision
We envision a future where democracy and governance rest on open, decentralized technologies, built by agile, startup-like institutions operating permissionless.
This isn't just a vision for the future—it's already unfolding worldwide. Here are some examples of what we'll feature, bring to, and develop in Brazil.
Democratizing universal, free, world-class education and healthcare for every child through Artificial Intelligence;
Transforming favelas into digital villages, like Gerando Falcões' Favela3D;
Providing economic and financial inclusion for every excluded person worldwide via open blockchains;
Bringing public administration to your smartphone—track spending and participate in real-time decision-making;
Using open-source and peer-to-peer technologies to create new systems for collective action and coordination;
Exploring new frontiers, such as special economic zones and network states;
Enhancing community and family safety with autonomous robots and privacy technologies;
Leveraging open-source sensors to maintain a clean and sustainable environment;
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